Brooklyn, NY
Donald Zucker Real
Estate Company
Architectural Design
Interior Design
Historic Preservation
76,000 gsf
The Love Lane Mews project consists of the conversion into condominiums of five prewar commercial buildings in the Brooklyn Heights Historic District, all previously used as parking garages. Four contiguous buildings with varying floor heights and of various construction types have been joined together to create a 38-unit property. Across the street, an existing two-story commercial building has been given a rooftop addition and reconfiguration in order to create two individual townhouse units. Exterior work included façade cleaning, repointing and repair, replacement of wood and metal windows and storefronts with historically appropriate window units. All exterior work was contextually sensitive to the original structures and had to receive approval from the Landmarks Preservation Commission. On the interior, the existing structural elements led to the design of one-of-kind apartment layouts, taking full advantage of the charm of the existing buildings, including exposed original brick walls and ceiling heights ranging from 10 to 15 feet.